Tuesday 13 December 2011

Myths of teeth whitening answered

How safe is teeth bleaching / whitening?
How long does teeth whitening last?

Teeth whitening/ bleaching is one of the most requested cosmetic dental procedures asked for by patients who want a more pleasing smile. This can be done either in dental clinic or at home by the patient. The main difference between bleaching at home & in the clinic is the time taken to produce the result. In the clinic the results are immediate where as at home bleaching takes longer time upto 2-3 weeks minimum.
Since the introduction of in office bleaching treatments, the use of curing lights (including halogencuring lights,plasma arches,LED,LED plus lasers,lasers) has been recommended to accelerate the action of bleaching gel.in the past ,the clinical results obtained with use of these lights were poor,showing an increase in tooth sensitivity & reduced long term color stability,especially when the treatment was done in one appointment.Recent developments introduced  in the bleaching systems use a chemical catalyst combined with light cured block out materials & compounds have resulted in decreased tooth sensitivity & enhanced treatment and demonstrated improved results.
Color stability of bleaching usually lasts upto 6 months after treatment.there will be slight color relapse after 6 months.It is usually advised to have a top up treatment after that.the introduction of teeth bleaching agents have significantly lowered the sensitivity issues previously encountered.the use of loghtcured gingival dams,chemical activators & use of compounds that decrease tooth sensitivity have simplified treatment & demonstrated better results.
To promote better color stability ,the use of both in office & at home treatments has been recommended.the best treatment option would be one session of bleaching in the clinic  followed by one or two sessions at home.This combination of bleaching treatments for vital& healthy teeth provides better results, because it reduces the length of treatment & lowers irritation of gingival tissues & tooth sensitivity.

For more information on the latest & best methods in teeth/tooth whitening /bleaching contact Dentist & Dontist - jubilee hills Road No 36. Instant whitening  in one hour is possible with the most current & safest methods WITH ZERO SENSITIVITY.Get party ready in a jiffy &show case your wonderful SMILE.

Thursday 17 November 2011

Worried about wearing metal braces to correct your maligned teeth?

Invisible aligners, introduced in 1999, is a series of removable aligners which is an esthetic alternative to fixed labial braces. Each aligner is programmed to move a tooth or small groups of teeth. This unique method of tooth movement has involved more adults with orthodontic therapy.

As the popularity of these aligners grew, questions regarding the efficacy of this system still remain. How   well do these aligners move teeth? Studies show that aligners given by an orthodontist (specialist in jaws & teeth.  An additional three years of expertise is required to get this degree after finishing the basic dental education ) followed by midcourse correction & conversion to fixed appliances before the end of treatment would give the best possible result to the patient.

The most accurate movement with clear aligners is lingual constriction. This data suggests that greater accuracy is achieved with closure of spaces in anterior teeth. Alleviation of crowding is best done by IPR rather than expansion & proclination. Extrusion of teeth would require attachments like buttons on the teeth.  Bloyd & Vlaskalic reported that correction of deep overbite is highly predictable with aligners.

Greater than 3mm of mesiodistal movement is achievable with anteroposterior mal occlusions. Aligners are highly effective in case of proclination or retraction of teeth up to 3mm.  Clinicians who prescribe Invisible Aligners/ Invisalign should fully recognize the limitations & advantages of the treatment & give the best possible & gold standard treatment.

For more information on Invisible Aligners/ Treatment of Invisalign in Hyderabad, please contact - Dentist & Dontist, Jubilee Hills Road No.36, Hyderabad